Frame Tanks for Endangered Frogs
FAQ: Can frame tanks be used to raise frogs?
Question: We are looking for affordable frame tanks for endangered frogs that can be used to raise them in the southwest US and Northern Mexico. How do they stand up to UV exposure? The size would be around 6' x 6' x 4 or 5' high to 10' x 10' x 4-5'.
Answer: Thanks for contacting Water Storage Tanks! Frame Tanks can be an excellent choice for this application and have often been used to store aquatic animals such as fish and endangered frogs. Their open top and large storage area makes them the perfect option for aqua farming, fish storage and more.
Questions? We can help! Call our team a 1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.
Frame Tank Construction
The construction of the frame tank is designed for superior performance where storage space is a premium. The frame and tank liner pack into neat carry/storage bags and are used for a variety of applications. Some contractors have found unique applications for these frame tanks such as temporary settling basins or even aquaculture farming operations!
These portable tanks are made from aluminum frame support components which slot into each other and create a rigid support structure for the flexible tank. Components of the tank will include:
- Rigid Outer Frame
- Fish-Friendly Interior Liner
- Fittings as Needed Throughout the Tank
The materials used to line the tank are designed to stand up to extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. For more information, along with specifications, please see: Folding Frame Tanks.
Questions? We can help! Call our team a 1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.