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Water Storage Tanks

FAQ: Are there water storage options that are environmentally friendly?

rainwater leafWondering about environmentally friendly water storage? See information provided to a customer with a similar question.

Question: Hello. I was wondering if you could give me an example of water storage that is environmentally friendly?

Answer: Thanks so much for your interest in the topic of Environmentally Friendly Water Storage. While there are many different factors that could classify something as being environmentally friendly, the best example would probably be the following: Rain Water Storage.

Rainwater collection is one of the most environmentally friendly water storage options available. Rather than constantly using up our limited water source, rain water collection works to naturally gather rainwater. This helps to save our limited resources and reuse water that obtained directly from the environment.

Rainwater harvesting is beneficial to you and community in the following ways:

  • Reduces City Water Costs
  • Creates Self Sufficiency
  • Adds Value to your Home

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You can also earn valuable LEED points, save water reserve for future generations or even reserve water for drought-related water restrictions. The water could easily be used in sprinkler systems, garden irrigations, storm water management, toilet flushing, etc.

Rainwater Collection Tanks

We have a couple of different types of rainwater storage tanks including the following:

  1. collapsible rainwater tanksCollapsible Tanks: Our collapsible rainwater tanks are one of our most economical and easy-to-use units. These tanks are low profile, portable, and can be used in multiple different storage locations.

  2. Steel Rainwater Tanks: Our steel rainwater collection tanks, by contrast, are much more rigid and are typically used for underground storage applications. Steel tanks also provide a system of water storage that can be connected or installed underneath your building or home.

  3. Fiberglass/Plastic Tanks: In addition to the storage tanks listed above, we also offer several tanks made from the fiberglass or plastic material. View all Drinking Water Holding Tanks.

Questions? We can help! Call our team at 1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.