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Onion Tanks in Many Sizes (Small to Extra-Large) Made in the USA

FAQ: Can a small onion tank be used as a temporary fish tank?

Question regarding a small size onion tank: I am looking for a small size onion tank to set up in a basement to keep pond fish alive through the winter in Canada. The onion tank needs about 3 ft of depth and something like 1.8 m diameter seems ideal. The fish that I will need to be storing is a couple of Koi. Do you have anything that can work for this application?

Answer: Thank you for contacting us! We do offer Onion Tanks that can work in your location for the storage of fish. These tanks are made in several different sizes to meet space restrictions, height restriction and more.

Questions? We can help! Call us: +1-863-261-8388 or contact us to discuss your project.

Onion Tank Construction

small size onion tankIn order to determine the best option for your location, it may be helpful to get a little bit of additional information regarding the type of storage you are requiring. Due to the onion style shape of these tanks, the diameter that you will find on the top of the tank will be less than the diameter that you find on the bottom of the tank.

In order to quote you on your koi fish storage requirements, we would first need to know if you are looking for a 3.1 meter diameter on the top of the tank for sizing concerns or a 3.1 meter diameter on the bottom of the tank due to sizing restrictions. Depending on which sizing you would prefer, tank capacities may range anywhere from 250 gallons to 1000 gallons in size.

Fabric Options

Fabric used for the onion water tank may vary depending on the liquid you are looking to store. Since you may need to store fish in these tanks, fabrics are available with FDA and NSF 61 approved materials to meet these requirements.

Learn More about Onion Tanks.

Questions? We can help! Call our team at +1-863-261-8388 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your project.