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Collapsible Tank Life and Use

FAQ: What is the Life Expectancy of a Collapsible Tank?

collapsible tanksQuestion: What is the life expectancy for a collapsible tank for potable water installed in a crawl space? We expect to begin construction on a new house soon. This is a raised-floor design with a sealed crawl space. A good spot for rainwater storage might be below the south porch, which will be 12 feet by 60 feet in size.

If we install collapsible tanks under this porch, how long can they be expected to last? The space can be fully enclosed to help protect the tanks. We would like more information about the collapsible tank life and use.

Answer: The life expectancy of a Collapsible Tank can vary depending on what fabric you use, the conditions of your storage location, and the liquid you will be storing inside the tank.

In general, the majority of the fabrics used for our collapsible tanks will come with a typical contact time, which is a rating for when the fabric on your tank may begin to change.

While the contact time is not designed to act as a designated life expectancy for the tank, it does give your tank a rated time for when the fabric used may start to change. Having the right accessories will improve the durability of the tank, possibly increasing its life expectancy. Different accessories include ground cloth, emergency plugs, containment berms, overlays, and others.

Our collapsible tanks are made with several different fabrics that will vary in thickness. Usually the thicker the tank is, the longer the fabric for the tank is rated to last. Ratings will usually be for either 1 year, 3-5 years, or 7 years.

Do you have questions about our collapsible tanks? We can help! Call us at 1-863-261-8388 or request a quote to discuss your project.

Choosing the Best Fabric Type for Your Collapsible Water Storage Tank

rainwater storage tankDepending on the intended use of the tank, several fabric options are available. The standard fabrics are polyurethane, polymer alloy, and E PVC coated materials. For use in irrigation or utilities, the standard fabrics will be used. For potable water, that will eventually be put through a filtration system, the tank will be built with an FDA NSF 61 fabric for potable water storage.

The exact life expectancy for your tank will vary depending on the kind of weathering or conditions that your tank might incur during storage. Having your Water Tank enclosed may help with the weathering process. Contact times, or the amount of time it takes fabrics to begin to change due to weathering or chemicals, usually range from one to seven years.

If you do choose to use a collapsible tank, you might also consider using some kind of liner or Ground Cloth underneath your tank. These fabrics are economical and can help protect the bottom of your tank from abrasion. This often helps to increase the life expectancy of a collapsible tank.

Accessories for the Collapsible Potable Water Storage Tank

tank repair kitHaving different Accessories for Your Collapsible Tank will help protect it and its contents when it is in use. Getting the longest possible life expectancy of your collapsible tank will mean keeping it safe from punctures, too much pressure, and any other outside damage.

Ground cloths are especially helpful in this respect. When using a ground cloth with your collapsible water storage tank, first make sure the ground is free from debris and any sharp objects that could puncture the tank. Lay the cloth flat and place your collapsible tank on top of it. An additional cloth can be placed over the tank for further protection.

Other accessories for the collapsible tank:

  • Pressure Relief Valves
  • Emergency Plugs
  • Operational Spare Parts
  • Secondary Containment Berm
  • Tank Repair Kit

Collapsible Tank Applications: Rainwater Storage

collapsible rainwater tank in useCollecting rainwater is one application of a collapsible tank. Because of its overall low height, the collapsible water tank can fit into convenient places, like crawl spaces, basements, and even under decks and porches.

Rainwater can be collected for different reasons. Whether it's for use in sprinkler systems, utilities, or filtration systems to be turned into drinking water, the fabric that the collapsible tank is made of will differ depending on the water's eventual application.

The benefits of rainwater storage tanks include:

  • Adapts to Small, Enclosed Spaces
  • Can be Used in Hot and Cold Environments
  • Provides Water Access in Remote Locations
  • Applications for Potable and Non-Potable Water

Choosing the correct fabric and size for your collapsible water storage tank will depend on your intended application of the tank and your location. By choosing the right tank for your location with the right fabric and accessories, you will have a better understanding of the life expectancy of your tank.

Do you have questions about our collapsible rainwater storage tanks? We can help! Call us at 1-863-261-8388 or request a quote to discuss your project.